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Showing posts with label iamodoodles. Show all posts

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Wonder Woman 75th Anniversary

Here's a fan art ilustration I made to celebrate 75 years of Wonder Woman.

Princess Diana of Themyscira a.k.a. Diana Prince a.k.a. Wonder Woman, first appeared in "All Star Comics" #8 in December 1941 published by DC Comics and created by the American psychologist and writer William Moulton Marston and drawn by H. G. Peter.

My favorite rendition of the warrior princess of the Amazons is definitely Lynda Carter's from the 70's TV show, but I also love Bruce Timm's Wonder Woman from the Justice League animated series.

So it's hard to pick just one inspiration for the character, but I tried to focus on the constants. Which are: Wonder Woman is gifted with awesome super powers and battle skills, and she possesses an arsenal of weapons, including a pair of indestructible bracelets, a tiara (yes, she can throw it at you as a projectile), and the Lasso of Truth, which she uses to force bad guys to speak only the truth... or in this case suspicious birthday cakes.

This was also my submission for this year's Comic-Con International Souvenir Book.

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Friday, September 4, 2015

FestiArte 2015

¡Nos vemos en FestiArte 2015! Voy a estar en el stand de Colectivo Mapache.

¡Me daría mucho gusto saludarlos! Si quieren llevar su portafolio o sketchbook, con gusto les doy mi feedback.

Colectivo Mapache es un grupo de artistas mexicanos que produce trabajos de ilustración, cómics y diseño gráfico en colaboración e individualmente.

El grupo también incluye a:

Septiembre 4-6. Parque México, Playas de Tijuana.

Monday, August 31, 2015

August 2015 Sketches

Here are some doodles from my sketchbook I made during this month:

Mixed Martial Arts Gesture Drawing

People Sketching

Draw Every Day Sketch

Girl Doodles

Jedi Gesture Drawing

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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Artists Share Their Favorite Tools Of The Trade

Just like a carpenter might have a favorite hammer or a mechanic might have a favorite wrench or any other worker in a skilled trade, every artist might have a favorite tool that they can't do without or that they keep coming back to even after experimenting with other tools.  For me its the Prismacolor Col-Erase Colored Pencils, they're great for initial sketching or under-drawings. I always carry some with my sketchbook.

I wondered what others work with, so I asked some of my favorite artists on Tumblr and Twitter what their favorite tool of the trade was. This is what they shared:

Friday, July 31, 2015

July 2015 Sketches

Here are some doodles from my sketchbook I made during this month:

Kevin and Ralph. Hollywood Babble-On.

People Sketching.

Luke Skywalker on Tatooine.

Drawing Hands.

Dj Chucuchu.

Drawing fists.

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Monday, July 13, 2015

Meeting Artists At Comic-Con 2015

Comic-Con International is a very inspiring event for artists. The great thing about Comic-Con is that we can all get something different out of the event because we all geek out about different things. It's awesome to buy cool stuff and get lot's of pictures, but for me, the main reason I attend Comic-Con, or any other comic convention, is to meet some of the great artists I admire and maybe get some feedback from them because I'm always looking to improve my drawings and I want to learn from them as much as I can.

So big thanks to the following artists for taking the time to chat, review my portfolio, and just for being wonderful human beings that are willing to share their knowledge and insight:

Stephen Silver, Cartoonist and Character Designer. He's been a great mentor and teacher. Click here to read about my experience learning at his Silver Drawing Academy earlier this year.

Boudika Comics creators, Eva Cabrera and Claudia Aguirre. They've just released their spellbinding fantasy graphic novel, Mavi. Check it out!

Abe Lopez. Awesome dude and really fun to talk to. Check out his online store!

Juan Fernando Garcia, a very talented Graphic Artist. Check out his El Black Bat Design online store here.

Bobby Rubio, Story Artist at Pixar Animation Studios and creator of the independent comics "4 Gun Conclusion" and "Alcatraz High."

Tony Bancroft, former Disney Animator and one half of The Bancroft Brothers.

Who did you meet at Comic-Con 2015?

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Print N' Play Comic-Con 2015 Badge Set

I miss those days when we used to get some cool illustrated attendee badges at San Diego Comic-Con. They haven't done that in a while, so I decided to make my own.

Here's a gift for all you awesome people attending Comic-Con International 2015!!!  Just print these inserts and you can wear some of my fan art on your badge. Featuring: Mad Max: Fury Road, Star Wars, Joker and Robin.

Free download at deviantART!

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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

June 2015 Sketches

Here are some doodles from my sketchbook I made during this month:

Figure Drawing Sketch

Coffee Shop People Sketching

"It's what you don't see that keeps you on the edge of your seat in any kind of film - leave it to the imagination of the viewer." 

-Christopher Lee


People Sketching

Random Sketch

Another Random Sketch

Dragon Sketch

Poolside People Sketching

More Poolside People Sketching

Girl Sketch

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